Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A word about SW Florida winter getaways...

Some of us in SWFL absolutely, positively are not feeling this blast of arctic cold air coming through our beautiful Gulf coast; after all, this is the “Sunshine State” not Boston or New York; and we all smugly assumed we had left that cold stuff behind us when we moved south from places like Ohio, Brooklyn, and NYC.

Imagine my surprise this morning, when on my way to work and almost ten days after my last post, The Rose, (yes, the same one) was still in full bloom and seemed to be basking in the glory of the 30 degree weather we are experiencing. It looked like it was actually enjoying the chill in the air! All this while I was bundled up and cursing under my breath because I needed a heavier covering than what I was wearing (a sweater and scarf) and had to rush back into the house to pick-up a coat. A coat? WTH, I am not supposed to need one down here!!!

Anyway, I guess I am just ranting. I have no right to complain, there are 49 other states with snow somewhere on their grounds and we are still the “tropical weather” destination for our northern neighbors. I, for one, am not going anywhere near any body of water (except my own bathroom to take a shower) to take any kind of dips.

It is cold out there, people! You are not supposed to be wearing a bathing suit, pretending you do not feel the chill! I understand, you worked hard all year to come down to Florida to get your piece of the sunshine promise, but trust me you can still have a good time without catching pneumonia. And believe me; you are more likely to catch that, than the perfect suntan!

I speak from experience and with empathy; thankfully I never got pneumonia but I was once a “newbie” to the golden shores of the sunshine state, and believed that I too had earned the right to jump in a cold pool just because I could not do so whenever I wanted to when I lived in NY. But reality set in along with common sense, and now I actually wait for the other 9 months of the year when it is actually warm enough (or sometimes too warm) and when the beaches are in the best condition for me to enjoy; along with the drum circles, and other fun activities that make for a perfect day at the beach on a Saturday afternoon. Trust me; this is when you need to be in the water, when the temperature is a beautiful 80 degrees or more!

That’s what I am talking about!

Marcia C

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