Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Good morning sunshine!

This morning was not one of those usual and typical sunny mornings in my “neck of the SW Florida woods”, as Al Roker would say.

It started out as predicted by the weathermen, cloudy and gray, although with a nice and warm 70 degrees and a misty shower gracing the skies. Floridians know what I’m talking about.

I left home with the usual thoughts in mind: did I unplug the curling iron, turn off all other appliances? Did I remember to take my meds and thinking ahead to what I had to do at work today? You know, one of those days, lol!

As I got outside, it hit me; the $1.00 rose bush tree I bought on a whim and that the hubby had planted a couple of years ago was again bearing fruit or in this case a beautiful yellow rose. It spoke to me, it made me take a step back to appreciate its beauty; this is not the first time that this particular tree has produced a flower, on the contrary it has proven to be a prolific rose birthing little bush.

But the contrast this morning between the weather and this unexpected gift made me appreciate the little things in life more and more. This beautiful rose commanded my attention in a way that said: Look at me! I am beautiful and I am a gift from the heavens above and earth below; I am standing tall just for you so go ahead, take my picture (thanks to my Blackberry) and share me with the world! I did as was told, lol!

Take time, as I always do, to pay attention to your surroundings; sometimes the least expected things can change the tone and mood of the day ahead. This morning, this beautiful yellow rose right outside my door and at almost shoulder height, spoke to me and made me think of all the things we take for granted. From now on the camera goes with me everywhere. Watch out world!

That’s what I’m talking about!

Marcia C

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