Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Friday, January 21, 2011

No, I can't Like it!

This was our granddaughter’s way of letting everyone know, during a recent holiday visit, whether or not she was planning to accept whatever it was that was being offered to her; be it food, a change of clothes, diapers, or whatever, you name it. If she had previously been enjoying a bowl of cereal and all of a sudden did not feel like having any more of it, she would adamantly state: “No, I can’t like it!” to let you know she was having no more of it. We, of course, almost fell to the ground with laughter the first time we heard her come up with that one. (Still do)

Do you remember? During the late nineties, there was a show on TV hosted by Bill Cosby called “Kids Say the Darndest Things”? It was hilarious. It focused on young children and the things they innocently say and do; it shed a light on the little things we all take for granted when raising our children, and the effect it can have on the grown-ups around them too.

Out of nowhere comes a statement like that. What do you answer to that? Have you ever tried to have a logical conversation with a two-year old? Please note, I said: logical.

What I tried, went something like this: “What do you mean you can’t like it?” You liked it just fine a few minutes ago, what happened since then? She had been eating strawberries—which she actually asked for by name—and all of a sudden, she can’t like them? They are her favorite fruit of the moment, for God’s sake! But, she insisted, “No, I can’t like it” to which I then asked: So, what is it you want? You know what’s coming, right? She is a two-year old—I just told you that!

Strawberries, “No, I can’t like it!” Banana!

Banana? I said. You now want a banana? Yes, she said. Of course, I went for it; got her what she asked for and then… when she had had enough, guess what? Yep, you know it, “No, I can’t like it!”

I’ll tell you what Bill Cosby; they still do… Say the Darndest Things!!!

And that’s what I am talking about!

Marcia C

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