Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Friday, January 21, 2011

No, I can't Like it!

This was our granddaughter’s way of letting everyone know, during a recent holiday visit, whether or not she was planning to accept whatever it was that was being offered to her; be it food, a change of clothes, diapers, or whatever, you name it. If she had previously been enjoying a bowl of cereal and all of a sudden did not feel like having any more of it, she would adamantly state: “No, I can’t like it!” to let you know she was having no more of it. We, of course, almost fell to the ground with laughter the first time we heard her come up with that one. (Still do)

Do you remember? During the late nineties, there was a show on TV hosted by Bill Cosby called “Kids Say the Darndest Things”? It was hilarious. It focused on young children and the things they innocently say and do; it shed a light on the little things we all take for granted when raising our children, and the effect it can have on the grown-ups around them too.

Out of nowhere comes a statement like that. What do you answer to that? Have you ever tried to have a logical conversation with a two-year old? Please note, I said: logical.

What I tried, went something like this: “What do you mean you can’t like it?” You liked it just fine a few minutes ago, what happened since then? She had been eating strawberries—which she actually asked for by name—and all of a sudden, she can’t like them? They are her favorite fruit of the moment, for God’s sake! But, she insisted, “No, I can’t like it” to which I then asked: So, what is it you want? You know what’s coming, right? She is a two-year old—I just told you that!

Strawberries, “No, I can’t like it!” Banana!

Banana? I said. You now want a banana? Yes, she said. Of course, I went for it; got her what she asked for and then… when she had had enough, guess what? Yep, you know it, “No, I can’t like it!”

I’ll tell you what Bill Cosby; they still do… Say the Darndest Things!!!

And that’s what I am talking about!

Marcia C

Monday, January 17, 2011

What can I do for you?

Ok, that was definitely not the question I thought I’d have to answer to as we entered this popular Italian dining spot on a holiday weekend Monday afternoon; it was 1:45 pm and my friend and I had just made up our minds to eat here after we discovered our first choice had recently closed its doors on our side of town, and moved itself across the bridge to a new location. Good thing my friend called earlier to make last minute plans, otherwise we would both arrive at the former location to find an empty place.

Ok, so now we are left trying to decide where to go for lunch; after the expected back and forth discussion, we easily settled on the Carrousel Plaza Mall location, just because there are at least five restaurants in there from which we could select from. We decided the Italian restaurant would do. Easy enough, right?

As we walked in, the hostess/waitress greeted us with “What can I do for you?” Huh? My friend and I both looked at each other with the same dumbfounded look as we wondered: “What kind of question was that? Is this not a restaurant? What did she think we could possibly want? Aren't  they supposed to be serving food here?

My response to her question? Huh, what about some food? To which she responded, “Come this way”,  We followed her to our seats. There were still a few people in there, in various stages of dining, so we settled in to have a nice dining experience. The meal was average, nothing to write home about, but the service or lack thereof was a different story. As it turned out, by the time we ordered our drinks there was only a ten minute window in which to order our food, the kitchen was closing at 2 pm, something our waitress failed to mention when she sat us down.

There is nothing more unnerving that being rushed through your meal, but then I would have nothing to talk about regarding this lunch date; if the hostess/waitress would have told us at the outset that we only had a few minutes in which to order our meal we would have left. We could have decided to patronize any one of the other four or five restaurants on the plaza. As it happened, we ordered, we ate and then kept looking over our shoulders—feeling as paying intruders in this restaurant.

Needless to say, that’s the last time they’ll see my Visa card at this establishment; the next time I feel like eating Italian food I'll cook it myself or pull out one of Mario's recipe books. But, I certainly would not visit the Plaza's Italian dining place or recommend it to anyone else.

That’s what I’m talking about!

Marcia C

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A word about SW Florida winter getaways...

Some of us in SWFL absolutely, positively are not feeling this blast of arctic cold air coming through our beautiful Gulf coast; after all, this is the “Sunshine State” not Boston or New York; and we all smugly assumed we had left that cold stuff behind us when we moved south from places like Ohio, Brooklyn, and NYC.

Imagine my surprise this morning, when on my way to work and almost ten days after my last post, The Rose, (yes, the same one) was still in full bloom and seemed to be basking in the glory of the 30 degree weather we are experiencing. It looked like it was actually enjoying the chill in the air! All this while I was bundled up and cursing under my breath because I needed a heavier covering than what I was wearing (a sweater and scarf) and had to rush back into the house to pick-up a coat. A coat? WTH, I am not supposed to need one down here!!!

Anyway, I guess I am just ranting. I have no right to complain, there are 49 other states with snow somewhere on their grounds and we are still the “tropical weather” destination for our northern neighbors. I, for one, am not going anywhere near any body of water (except my own bathroom to take a shower) to take any kind of dips.

It is cold out there, people! You are not supposed to be wearing a bathing suit, pretending you do not feel the chill! I understand, you worked hard all year to come down to Florida to get your piece of the sunshine promise, but trust me you can still have a good time without catching pneumonia. And believe me; you are more likely to catch that, than the perfect suntan!

I speak from experience and with empathy; thankfully I never got pneumonia but I was once a “newbie” to the golden shores of the sunshine state, and believed that I too had earned the right to jump in a cold pool just because I could not do so whenever I wanted to when I lived in NY. But reality set in along with common sense, and now I actually wait for the other 9 months of the year when it is actually warm enough (or sometimes too warm) and when the beaches are in the best condition for me to enjoy; along with the drum circles, and other fun activities that make for a perfect day at the beach on a Saturday afternoon. Trust me; this is when you need to be in the water, when the temperature is a beautiful 80 degrees or more!

That’s what I am talking about!

Marcia C

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Good morning sunshine!

This morning was not one of those usual and typical sunny mornings in my “neck of the SW Florida woods”, as Al Roker would say.

It started out as predicted by the weathermen, cloudy and gray, although with a nice and warm 70 degrees and a misty shower gracing the skies. Floridians know what I’m talking about.

I left home with the usual thoughts in mind: did I unplug the curling iron, turn off all other appliances? Did I remember to take my meds and thinking ahead to what I had to do at work today? You know, one of those days, lol!

As I got outside, it hit me; the $1.00 rose bush tree I bought on a whim and that the hubby had planted a couple of years ago was again bearing fruit or in this case a beautiful yellow rose. It spoke to me, it made me take a step back to appreciate its beauty; this is not the first time that this particular tree has produced a flower, on the contrary it has proven to be a prolific rose birthing little bush.

But the contrast this morning between the weather and this unexpected gift made me appreciate the little things in life more and more. This beautiful rose commanded my attention in a way that said: Look at me! I am beautiful and I am a gift from the heavens above and earth below; I am standing tall just for you so go ahead, take my picture (thanks to my Blackberry) and share me with the world! I did as was told, lol!

Take time, as I always do, to pay attention to your surroundings; sometimes the least expected things can change the tone and mood of the day ahead. This morning, this beautiful yellow rose right outside my door and at almost shoulder height, spoke to me and made me think of all the things we take for granted. From now on the camera goes with me everywhere. Watch out world!

That’s what I’m talking about!

Marcia C

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It is a new year and a new decade begins!

It's 2011, does anyone still remember the Y2K scare? Can you believe that a whole decade has just passed us by, and that the year 2011 ushers in the new decade? What's up with that?

There was so much that happened during the last ten years: the economy collapsed after the Wall Street bankers gambled with our money... and lost. The financial scam wizzards were out in force, remember Bernie Maddoff? Unemployment rates are still in the double digits all around the country, two years later, etc, etc, etc.

Let us take the bull by the horns this year and take control of our lives; let's take a hard look at all the things that surround us and keep us stuck in the same place over and over again, and then decide once and for all to make a serious effort to change our circumstances. Make 2011 our year to shine, review finances, careers, relationships and anything  else that's holding us back and let's promise ourselves to change what does not work; because guess what... life is short, and then we die. So, there is no sense in living under the clouds of unhapiness when there are other options available to us.

On the other hand... if you are happy and you know it, clap your hands! I am clapping and clapping and clapping my hands all the time, because I've surrounded myself with happy, fulfilled and contented people and their energy and love spills onto me; and I make sure to pay it forward in every way I can. I have a lovely and loving family who fulfills my every need, and for this reason alone I consider myself a rich woman. This new year promises to bring great gifts and I am giddy with anticipation, I am very thankful for the blessings already in my life and look forward to the new year full of expectations.

Happy 2011 to all, let's make the best of it. That's what I am talking about!

Marcia C