Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hola Abuela!

One of the things I talk about (among friends) frequently is the fact that time goes by too quickly; and to make that point clear I was greeted last week with a resounding "Hola Abuela" by our oldest granddaughter, little Miss Lauryn. It was like guess what I can do now, I can speak Spanish; and just to make sure I did not assume that was all she knew, she proceeded to recite the numbers too. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco!

I was left speechless for a very brief moment, it was a totally unexpected gesture and it gave me such pleasure to hear it coming out of her mouth. You see, Miss Lauryn will be three years old next month and she can already talk up a storm, the surprise came when she switched it up to Spanish. Mom and I had already discussed the fact that she came home one day talking what sounded to her like "gibberish" not realizing that she was being introduced to Spanish in her EPS (Early Pre School) class. I was delighted to hear when "gibberish" turned into actual words, well spoken and delivered with gusto! Hola Abuela indeed!

So back to the time flying thing, we are now grandparents of two additional beauties, they are: Elisa Londyn, born on May 30, 2011 and Sydney Joyce, born on July 30, 2011, all girls all the time, yeah! Our two daughters special gifts this year, and we could not be happier. As you can imagine, the posts will be more frequent now and will be expanded to include all the girls; as of right now they are only 4 and 2 months old, but are already providing Abuela with lots of material to talk about.

BTW, I plan to make weekly updates, so please stay tuned and follow my posts. I love to read all your comments, but  please leave them on the blog site.

That's what I'm talking about!
Marcia C


  1. Great job Mom. I love reading the blog!

  2. Thank you Mrs Gibson. You know I love the subjects, lol!

  3. Interesting how children pick up languages so easily. I understand parents are introducing their children to Chinese at a young age! I wish I had been, I struggle with English. I have just been talking to a student in China on the internet. :)

  4. Hilarious. Haven't we all had a bright child that just amazes us! You are so right about how quickly time flies. Embrace the moment and love, love, love those kids!

  5. Mike, I am a great language and culture immersion proponent. I've always said the best way to learn a language is to be in the position where you have no choice but to learn it. That was me more than thirty years ago, when my parents decided to send me from Panama to live in NYC for six months. I already could read and write English just fine, but was totally afraid to speak it for fear of ridicule. Within months I was having conversations with the natives. Worked like a charm. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  6. Angela thanks for your comments. It is my plan to enjoy these babes as much as I can, the way I see it, the moment they reach puberty it will be like: later grandma!

  7. Congratulations on the new additions to your family! They say that ages 3-7, kids are like "sponges" and can learn new languages quite easily. They also say that once a child has learned one new language, they can more easily learn more new languages. I'll have to take "their" word for that as I learned one new language in high school and it did not come easily! Enjoyed your blog and I'll be back!

  8. You are abundantly blessed!

    There is just something magical about new additions to the family. They have a way of bringing everyone together and helping us become fascinated with "life" all over again. I have a four year old daughter and my wife just had our second daughter a month ago. Seems like I'm right in tune with your dream team.

    This is my first visit to your page but I'm excited come again. Thanks for the inspiring viewpoint.
