Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy birthday Miss Lauryn!

Three years old, wow! I remember the moment she arrived on this earth and cannot believe it has been 3 years already! A lot has happened since that joyful event; her cousin Elisa and sister Sydney came along to join her.

But I digress, this week it is all about the little lady turning three and all the excitement that entails. There will be a birthday party of course, Miss L will celebrate with friends and family; there will be cake and ice cream too. The one requirement--make sure the cake is pink! Our little Miss is a real girly girl! LOL! This is her new thing, pink is her favorite color. And before you ask "What does a 3-year old know about colors?" Believe me--she knows her colors, and numbers, and I-Touch, and PC, and which movies she likes to see, and... you get my drift.

She has a penchant for Curious George too, surprised she did not ask for a pink outfit for him. Dora the Explorer, is another favorite. But selecting a Halloween outfit this year was a hoot, our traditional “princess” had her dress all picked out until she came upon “Foofa” a character from the Yo-Gabba-Gabba children's program on the Nick Jr channel. You guessed it—that was the end of that! She will now be sporting her new Foofa outfit for Halloween; guess why? It is pink, of course!

Happy birthday, Miss Lauryn. Grandma and Grandpa love you, we will see you Sunday in the box, a.k.a. Skype! Yo-Gabba-Gabba!

That's what I am talking about!

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