Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy birthday Miss Lauryn!

Three years old, wow! I remember the moment she arrived on this earth and cannot believe it has been 3 years already! A lot has happened since that joyful event; her cousin Elisa and sister Sydney came along to join her.

But I digress, this week it is all about the little lady turning three and all the excitement that entails. There will be a birthday party of course, Miss L will celebrate with friends and family; there will be cake and ice cream too. The one requirement--make sure the cake is pink! Our little Miss is a real girly girl! LOL! This is her new thing, pink is her favorite color. And before you ask "What does a 3-year old know about colors?" Believe me--she knows her colors, and numbers, and I-Touch, and PC, and which movies she likes to see, and... you get my drift.

She has a penchant for Curious George too, surprised she did not ask for a pink outfit for him. Dora the Explorer, is another favorite. But selecting a Halloween outfit this year was a hoot, our traditional “princess” had her dress all picked out until she came upon “Foofa” a character from the Yo-Gabba-Gabba children's program on the Nick Jr channel. You guessed it—that was the end of that! She will now be sporting her new Foofa outfit for Halloween; guess why? It is pink, of course!

Happy birthday, Miss Lauryn. Grandma and Grandpa love you, we will see you Sunday in the box, a.k.a. Skype! Yo-Gabba-Gabba!

That's what I am talking about!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hola Abuela!

One of the things I talk about (among friends) frequently is the fact that time goes by too quickly; and to make that point clear I was greeted last week with a resounding "Hola Abuela" by our oldest granddaughter, little Miss Lauryn. It was like guess what I can do now, I can speak Spanish; and just to make sure I did not assume that was all she knew, she proceeded to recite the numbers too. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco!

I was left speechless for a very brief moment, it was a totally unexpected gesture and it gave me such pleasure to hear it coming out of her mouth. You see, Miss Lauryn will be three years old next month and she can already talk up a storm, the surprise came when she switched it up to Spanish. Mom and I had already discussed the fact that she came home one day talking what sounded to her like "gibberish" not realizing that she was being introduced to Spanish in her EPS (Early Pre School) class. I was delighted to hear when "gibberish" turned into actual words, well spoken and delivered with gusto! Hola Abuela indeed!

So back to the time flying thing, we are now grandparents of two additional beauties, they are: Elisa Londyn, born on May 30, 2011 and Sydney Joyce, born on July 30, 2011, all girls all the time, yeah! Our two daughters special gifts this year, and we could not be happier. As you can imagine, the posts will be more frequent now and will be expanded to include all the girls; as of right now they are only 4 and 2 months old, but are already providing Abuela with lots of material to talk about.

BTW, I plan to make weekly updates, so please stay tuned and follow my posts. I love to read all your comments, but  please leave them on the blog site.

That's what I'm talking about!
Marcia C