Hi Grandpa and Grandma too!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall Fashion Time of the Year!

I love dressing up, no doubt about it. For as long as I can remember I’ve always paid attention to what will be “in” each season, if only to get ideas since by now, I’ve developed my own sense of style. I know what works for me and my body type, take advantage of it and stick with it; every woman should strive to do the same and stop paying attention to the “experts”. The best expert on your body is no one else but you. This year, I am happy to report that the so called fashion designers finally figured out we are not all a size 0 (BTW, what the hell is that?) I fluctuate between a size 10 and 12 most of the time, I am loaded with curves I love it, and I love myself!

This morning I was watching the Today Show, when I heard Matt Lauer announce a segment about Marilyn Monroe, I quickly backtracked it into the bedroom in order to pay attention. I am old enough to remember when Marilyn’s body type was the norm, and men used to swoon all over her, that’s the “pin-up girl” era of real women I grew up in. My model women were real, they had curves; mind you my biggest fashion model was my mother, she was an elegant woman who knew how to put an outfit together and always looked fabulous! The other older women in my life at the time my grandmother, aunts and cousins where the one I looked up and tried to emulate, to this day when I hear references made to our similarities I beam with pride just relish the thought. If there are any women I must be compared to, it better be my own flesh and blood!

By the way take a look at a picture of any of the women in the public eye back in the day and you’ll see what I mean. Most of them had the famous hourglass figure that seems to be condemned these days, (Tyra Banks, Jessica Simpson) I’ll take a smaller waist, round bottom any day of week instead of the new normal, nothing really looks good on a hanger (real flesh or wire hanger) until you put it on a real curvaceous woman. Say no to size 0, embrace your body, claim it and take good care of it!

That’s what I’m talking about!

Marcia C

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Is it Monday? Again?

I do not know about you but to me it feels like it was just Monday yesterday, and I am now looking at Monday again! Is it me? Or days just appear to roll into what seems like hours lately?
Every week on Friday, we are all so excited because the weekend is finally here and we can now  embark on all the fun activities that give us pleasure. In my case, reading, web surfing, cooking and sometimes doing nothing at all.

This weekend it was more doing nothing at all, than anything else because last week was spent sitting in on sessions at a conference hall listening to SMEs instruct us in all the good stuff we ought to know to conduct our jobs in a more efficient manner; don't get me wrong I learned a lot and I enjoyed the conference, but all I wanted to do when I came home on Friday was sleep! I am not sure why but that is what my body has been craving for the last two days and for some reason that got my creative juices going and you are now the recipient of my latest words, lol!

Each time I made an attempt at true productivity, I fell asleep. So rather than fight the urge I gave in to it. On a couple of ocassions, I reached for the Kindle in an attempt to catch up on my readings, to no avail. The magazine stack remained untouched. Finally, after a good 45-minute nap I was back on track. I shall begin advocating for nap time at work from now on. Do you believe I will succeed? Hope so, wish me luck. Lol!

That's what I'm talking about!
Marcia C